Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time for Cozy: Long Winter Kitchen Week 4

It's that time again! The cooks are rolling up their sleeves for another cooking adventure. I (Mary) am happy to report that I returned from my trip to the east coast safe and sound (and temporarily phone-less, but my phone is back now, phew!). It was great to dive right back into cooking the day after my return. Not only did we get to work with the terrific meat from Old Pine Farm as usual, your Steak Diane featured the most beautiful mushrooms from my friends at Michigan Mushrooms (their webpage seems to be down right now, but look for them at the Ann Arbor Farmer's Market). Chef-extraordinaire Veronica made those delicious dumplings in the Chicken and Dumplings and I'm sure everyone has been warming up with the veggie-rich Bad Bob's Spaghetti Sauce. Yum! You might be interested to learn that Bad Bob is actually Michelle's dad. :-)
This week we're going to be using Michigan-made noodles from Pasta e Pasta, another Farmer's Market friend.
This weeks menu:
Rosemary Pork -- another amazing recipe from Veronica
Lamb Steamed with Thyme -- one of my Christmas books this year was Wild Cooking by Richard Mabey. I read the book and couldn't wait to try out this recipe.
Saucisse et Oeufs aka The Breakfast Dish...if your breakfast doesn't yet include amazing local eggs, meat, homemade Parker House rolls, and broccoli, it's about to!
Momma Janet's Chicken Noodle Soup--The only thing to keep you warm and healthy on these cold winter days. Featuring noodles from Pasta e Pasta. Yum!

Is your mouth watering yet? I, for one, can't wait. See you Friday!

Photo explanations: 1. Beef Shortribs from December...too pretty to ignore. 2. MUSHROOMS from Michigan Mushrooms--also far too pretty. 3. Michelle holds up the world's largest steak. 4. Chicken Marsala featuring lesser mushrooms, but still delicious.

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